TITLE: Rocket Garden NAME: Mark Wagner COUNTRY: USA EMAIL: mark.wagner17@gte.net TOPIC: Gardens COPYRIGHT: I SUBMIT TO THE STANDARD RAYTRACING COMPETITION COPYRIGHT. RENDERER USED: POV-Ray 3.1e TOOLS USED: The GIMP RENDER TIME: 19 seconds HARDWARE USED: 400Mhz AMD-K6-2 IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Rocket Garden, a collection of rockets from the US space program. DESCRIPTION OF HOW THIS IMAGE WAS CREATED: After someone mentioned on the IRTC General newsgroup that "Odds on there will be a gardens of spaceships and pyramids", I decided that I *had* to do that as my entry. However, since I have been busy working on my entry for the Animations competition, I didn't have the time to do the detailed modeling needed for a rendering of Rocket Garden. My solution was to use a photograph of the Rocket Garden that I had on my computer, map it onto a plane, and render it using an orthographic camera. For anyone that is interested, yes this is allowed under the IRTC rules. No, I do not expect to get high technical merit scores for this.